The next Friends of the Earth Falkirk Public Event will be a talk by Mike Small on the Fife Diet on Monday 28th April 2008 at The Christian Centre, Glebe Street, Falkirk @ 7.30pm.
The Fife Diet
Mike Small argues that we should eat local produce and save the planet, an idea that has obliged his family - and a growing number of adherents to his cause - to eat meals of local lamb, pork and a great many dishes based on parsnips, beetroots, kale, potatoes, leeks and all the other root vegetables that typify the agricultural output of this wind-swept corner of Scotland. Learn about the pros and cons of sourcing all his food within a 20 mile radius.
"It's part of our experiment to see if we can do it, how long can we do it for, what it costs, and what the health benefits are. We're not saying we've got all the answers. We've got small children, we work, and we're crap at gardening. We are not The Good Life, but it will just be interesting to see if it can be done. It might be that we can't do it and it ends up that we just buy seasonally and more locally.”
Mike Small, The Guardian November 21 2007
What would a Falkirk Diet look like?
What food would we be able to source within a 20 mile radius and could we sustain a healthy diet?
Hi Simon - one comment with nuisance ware deleted from this post. I miss fish and chips, local fish here only seems to include the Balaton Pike Perch (Zander) very nice but no one serves it deep fried. Then again I do have local wine :-)
Thanks. I usually leave a second comment about "robot scum" when that happens.
I'm keen on this talk coming up- its supposed to be about eating stuff produced within 20 miles of home.
Why have I heard of Balaton- is there something weird about it or is an environmental disaster or something?
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