
Climate Camp Scotland

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Climate Camp Scotland are returning to Aberdeen

10-15 July 2024, somewhere around Aberdeen



Living within the Glow 2021 Questionnaire

Friends of the Earth Falkirk are collecting views of local residents and beyond about their current concerns about living next to the oil industry in Grangemouth and their hopes for the future of the area. We are looking for diversity of views both locally and nationally and we will record them all in report Living within the Glow 2021. The 2021 questions are below the explanation of  the 2005 Report and a link to read the original report. 

To make a contribution to the Living within the Glow 2021 complete the form on the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCP24NNqqcnuHAf-BgYHZEL0nviA8_e3cWfULlpN8J6oq4yw/viewform?usp=sf_link

In 2005 Friends of the Earth Falkirk undertook a street questionnaire to ask residents who live within the glow of the Grangemouth oil refinery their views on the industry. We went onto the streets of Grangemouth and Bo’ness and asked the question. “When do you reminded that you live close to a major petro-chemical industry?”!

Read Living Within The Glow: Stories from the fence line by clicking the link:


In 2005 the refinery was under the management of BP. Over the past 16 years a lot has change within the industry with INEOS owning the majority of the oil and gas production in the town now. As the Scotland Government and Falkirk Council recognise the Climate Emergency Ineos continue to be the largest polluter in Scotland, Five of the INEOS plants based along Bo’ness Road include five of the the top ten biggest carbon polluters in Scotland. When Scotland has effectively banned fracking in Scotland INEOS ships fracked gas direct from Pennsylvania in the United States to Grangemouth Docks to maintain its role as the biggest producer of plastic in the UK. The impact of the oil and gas industry in not restricted to the residents of Grangemouth and we like the view from residents across Falkirk District who have an opinion to share.!

The two questions for 2021 are:


Solidarity with striking farmers in India

 #shineonindiafarmers Friends of the Earth Falkirk stand in solidarity with the striking farmers in India defending their food sovereignty against the Indian Government and agribusiness development


Divest Falkirk Press Release

To whom it may concern,

Please see the following press release from Divest Falkirk press release 4/12/20 for your consideration.



The non-profit organisation, Platform, commissioned Transition Economics to conduct the analysis (1), which showed that the combined investments by 10 Scottish local government pension funds into leading oil companies, including BP and Royal Dutch Shell, collapsed between April 2017 and November 2020.

Falkirk Council’s Pension Fund which saw losses of £34,769,72. Translating to hundreds of pounds lost for every member of the fund in Falkirk, Clackmannanshire and Stirling. 

Concerned constituents and members of the local Divest Falkirk campaign have been actively engaging councillors and representatives of the Falkirk council Pension Fund since 2018. We have been calling for an end to fossil fuels investments and instead a commitment to renewable energy and needed infrastructure like social housing. 

Particularly concerning was the lack of interest and concern from the SNP group. A meeting was held between campaign members with Paul Garner, SNP environment spokesperson for the Falkirk Council, in 2019. Despite passing a motion declaring a climate emergency, the investment concerns were not taken seriously. 

Combined factors of climate change, where the burning of fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas – is the main driver of this problem, there is also a serious threat to pensions as the oil and gas sector continues to collapse. 

This analysis concluded that, across the UK, local authority pension funds could have lost at least £1.75 billion in value over the past three years as a result of retaining their investments in just nine oil & gas companies.

Angus Maclean from Divest Falkirk said:

“We have on many occasions raised these financial risks with councillors and unfortunately they have been met with deaf ears. It is time the Falkirk Pension Fund listens and works towards a more sustainable future for all of us.”


Contact details:

Angus Maclean



(1) Original report 'Value lost to UK local authority pensions due to oil investments'
