The event was an opportunity to share the stories of the transformation of the Bean Row garden form a disused piece of land to a productive vegetable garden in the centre of Falkirk.
The soup and stovies were very tasty and all the better for having the produce grown on the very place they were being eaten- Local Food at it's purest. The day was a big thank you to everyone who has worked in the garden, be it planting or weeding, to those who donated plants and for those who have just shown an interest in the garden as it has been transformed in less than a year.
One of the funniest stories of the day was the men from the shop across the lane commenting on the bitterness of our peas over the summer. It was only when they pointed to the plants they had been picking from were we able to inform them that they were eating our beans. The beans were the first seeds we planted in the Bean Row Garden.
The plan is to fill the gaps created with the harvest to plan some winter crops.
We have already taken orders for next years event so we will just have to start all over again in Spring to get the ingredients for the soup and stovies.
Thanks for all the support we have received in regards to all four of our community gardens in Falkirk.
Norman Philip
Friends of the Earth Falkirk