

Norman Philip and Tina Rothery outside the FoE Scotland AGM, Glasgow

 Message from Friends of The Earth Climate and Energy Campaigner
Dear Friends,
I’m writing to ask for messages of solidarity with Tina Rothery a UK fracking activist who is in court on Friday 24th June, facing a possible prison sentence.
What are we asking you to do?
We would like to get lots of messages of solidarity for Tina from anti-fracking groups around the world. What we’re asking you to do is very simple:
·         take a photo of you or your group holding a sign reading #IamTinaRothery and (if possible) your name and which country you’re from
·         next Thursday (June 23rd), get it out on social media – tweet it, post it on Facebook etc – with a message something like
In solidarity with UK #fracking activist @tinalouiseUK #IamTinaRothery
We support #fracking activist @tinalouiseUK against draconian lawsuit from @CuadrillaUK #IamTinaRothery
Who is Tina?
Tina Rothery is a grandmother, one of the Lancashire Nanas and a leading light in the UK anti-fracking movement. She is an inspirational speaker and a force of nature as a campaigner. Some of you might have met her at the Paris event in December. 
What is this about?
In summer 2014, Tina and other Nanas camped for 3 weeks in a field in Lancashire that Cuadrilla had earmarked for fracking. They left of their own accord, but Cuadrilla is still pursuing her for £55,342.37 in court costs for an eviction that didn’t actually happen. That’s about 70,000 euros, US $78,000, AUS $106,000.
Tina cannot pay this, but that’s not the point. She doesn’t want the costs to be paid by anyone else or crowd-funded. She has decided that she will not pay as that would set a precedent. She risks being held in contempt of court and sent to prison, but she’s ready for that. If you want to know more about why Tina is taking this stand, see her blog here.
Please spread this message far and wide and, if you have any questions, please get in touch.
Thanks in advance for any support you can provide.
Tony Bosworth
Tony Bosworth | Climate & Energy CampaignerFriends of the Earth t. 0113 389 9958 
m. 07941 176642

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