
Big Dig- Bean Row Community Garden Saturday 2 April 11.30-1.30

Friends of the Earth Falkirk will be holding its annual Big Dig event at the Bean Row Community Garden on Saturday 2 April between 11.30am and 1.30pm. The group will be preparing the ground and planting vegetables just off the High Street and anyone interested can come at any time during the session and get digging or just find out more about the gardens. The group would also welcome any donations of herb or vegetable plants if you have any surplus. There will be Vegan/ Vegetarian soup and fairtrade tea and coffee on offer at 1pm on a first come first served basis. Friends of the Earth Falkirk tend 4 community gardens in central Falkirk and in 2015 achieved the Outstanding Award from The Royal Horticultural Society IT’S YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD for the third year in a row. The group would also be happy to discuss any of its environmental campaigns including promoting local food, less waste, air quality and unconventional gas.