
Community Garden Update January 2015

The highlight of 2014 had to be the, now annual, Soup and Stovies day at our Bean Row Urban Vegetable Garden where the food on offer was produced from the harvest just off the High Street . The other annual event for the volunteers from Friends of the Earth Falkirk included collecting an “Outstanding” rating from the It’s Your Neighbourhood Awards hosted by Keep Scotland Beautiful. For getting the highest rating for two years in a row the group received a second award at the ceremony  this year, a Certificate of Distinction.

News came that the group’s original garden at the Old Polish Club on Arnot Street, was likely be removed to allow access for the demolition of the old club and the development of housing during 2015. The group removed the majority of plants from the garden but ensured that the look of the garden was not compromised while it remained in place. The group looked for new garden opportunities and cleared litter and weeds from the the car park of the new Salvation Army Furniture Store in the centre of town. It is currently unclear if this garden will develop into a group project during 2015 due to developments at the site.  

The main aim for the group this year will be to ensure that the three remaining gardens enhance the town centre and continue to address the issues of litter and waste within the town. Campaigning will continue to promote local food and composting through our Bean Row Garden.

Friends of the Earth Falkirk will be presenting a workshop at the Falkirk Litter Strategy Awards evening at the end of January.

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