
Vote with your Feet - the 2007 everyone election campaign

The Falkirk meeting is coming up at the end of the month. Before that Foe Edinburgh are holding a meeting that sounds very interesting.

Date: Thursday 25th January 2007, at 7.30pm

Venue: Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh

Speaker: Ylva Haglund, Campaign Coordinator, everyone campaign

Vote with your Feet - the 2007 everyone election campaign

Ylva Haglund will explain how the latest campaign was put together to focus on the Holyrood elections in May, and what you can do to support this.

How can we persuade politicians that unless they change the way we treat the planet, we will change them - by voting for somebody else?

Top issues in this campaign include:

- Climate change
- Loss of our wildlife and habitats
- Destruction of our landscape
- Pollution of our seas
- Our health and wellbeing

The everyone campaign, an initiative of Scottish Environment LINK, is a network of Scottish environment charities which campaigns to establish the environment as a serious mainstream
issue in Scotland.
Charities involved include Friends of the Earth Scotland, National Trust for Scotland, Ramblers' Association, RSPB, Scottish Wildlife Trust and WWF Scotland.

See www.everyonecan.org for more details.

1 comment:

  1. Or you could just vote green as they hit all the targets on the "everyone" campaign. Not that I want to be in any way partisan!
