
Our Forth Video and Hands over Our Forth event

Portobello-based community group "Our Forth" have created this 10 minute video about why the Forth needs protecting and how the local community are responding:https://vimeo.com/129339751 

Hands over Our Forth
Sunday 11th October, 2pm on the Forth Road Bridge
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1642166826064509/
Petition: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/no-ucg-in-our-forth

People from all over Scotland and beyond are invited to join this family-friendly event to call for Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) to be included in the Scottish Government's temporary ban on fracking. The aim of the event is to create a line of people joining hands across the Forth Road Bridge, from the North Queensferry side in Fife to the South Queensferry side and needs about2,000 people for this to work!