The Mariann Lloyd-Smith video taken during the meeting in Falkirk is available online. To view, follow this link:
Watch "If You See A Piece of Litter Pick It Up!" on YouTube
Litter message from Falkirk kids video click this link to watch the video. Jessica shared the story of this little video at out September meeting. Hope it lights up your day.
Doune the Rabbit Hole August 2013
Friends of the Earth Scotland took two important campaigns to the Doune the Rabbit Hole music festival. There was a campaign FOR community owned power generation and AGAINST unconventional gas- coal bed methane and fracking. As part of the weekend stall there was a workshop on the issue of unconventional gas extraction with updates from across the UK including the DART planning developments in Falkirk and feedback from the Balcome protest in England. There was a solidarity photograph taken and sent to the campaign down south.
September Meeting and AGM dates
The next meeting of Friends of the Earth Falkirk is on Monday 9th September. Meet at our Bean Row garden at 7pm and or 7.30ish at the Wheatsheaf Inn, Baxters Wynd, Falkirk. We will planning out our local food celebration and AGM on Saturday 21st September and getting updates on all our Gardens, the CBM developments, local environmental justice concerns and planning for our winter programme.