The Fourth and Final Garden gets under way
The fourth, the biggest and the final Friends of the Earth Falkirk community garden got its initial turn over on Saturday 22nd October. The Bean Row garden is south facing and will enable to group to grow food, demonstrate composting and provide plants for the other three gardens.
The reason the Garden needed some TLC
Work started on Community Garden in Kings Court
With the negotiations with the owner of the land Friends of the Earth Falkirk have been given permission to maintain two town centre gardens. The Kings Court Garden (pictured) is a dark area where litter has been a long term issue. A litter pick on Sunday cleared a collection of fast food wrappers, bottles and cans. The hope is that if a community garden can be established the litter can be reduced.
Clean Zone Sign on Orphan Land Garden
Our Clean Zone sign which explains that Friends of the Earth Falkirk have adopted the Arnot Street Garden has been put up on our garden wall. The sign has been provide by Falkirk Council Litter Strategy Team as part of our involvement in their Orphan Land Pilot Project.